
The Back To Happy Podcast Header

Ep 57 Building Great Relationships at Work

In today’s insightful discussion, we delve into the art of building great relationships at work while addressing a common pitfall that many encounter – the delicate balance between personal and professional boundaries. Join us as we explore the intricacies of fostering meaningful connections in the workplace without inadvertently overstepping the line. If you’d like help…

Ep 56 Managing Your Attachment Style & Breakup

In today’s episode, we are going to be taking another look at attachment styles and how they shape our experiences during and after breakups. If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can email me at angie@contactangieday.com or you can easily and very quickly drop me a…

Ep 55 Over Investing

Just as in the world of finance, where individuals seek to make wise investment decisions to secure their financial future, our dating lives require careful consideration and strategic choices to build a fulfilling and lasting relationship. That includes being careful not to over invest our resources such as our physical time, our mental, and our…

Ep 54 The Missing Link-Self Love

Self-love is an important topic because it affects every aspect of an individual’s life, including their relationships with others. Without a healthy level of self-love, individuals may struggle with low self-esteem, self-doubt, and a lack of confidence, which can lead to unhealthy relationships and negative patterns of behavior. If you’d like help with this or…

Quick Take – Special Invitation

This episode is a quick announcement and special invitation to my new one-of-a-kind program: If you’re someone who has recently gone through a breakup and you’re feeling stuck in a never-ending cycle of pain and heartache, then I have something special for you. I’m excited to announce my new program called The Breakup with Heartbreak 30-Day…

Ep 53 Emotional Buffering

Our brains have evolved over time to be motivated by three things – avoid pain, seek pleasure and be efficient.  When we seek pleasure, our brains release a chemical called dopamine that gives us a momentary feeling of relief. The reason we buffer our emotions is that we are seeking a false sense of pleasure. The…

Ep 52 10 Reasons Why Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

In this episode we discussed the 10 reasons why breaking up is so hard to do. And the number one reason We get stuck in the pain of the heartbreak.  If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can email me at angie@contactangieday.com or you can easily…

Ep 51 Why Breaking Up Is Not Failing

If you’ve spent your life thinking every relationship you’ve had was a failure because it ended, it might be time to reconsider. If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can email me at angie@contactangieday.com or you can easily and very quickly drop me a Voicemail here: https://www.speakpipe.com/TheLoveConnectionPodcast…

Ep 50 Spring Breakup Season

As the weather warms up and the sun stays out later, spring isn’t the only thing just around the corner – the end of your relationship could be as well. The spring months mark the beginning of “uncuffing season” – the time of year when relationships formed during the cold lonely winter months come to…

EP49 Attachment Styles

People in search of romance can be lonely, those in troubled relationships may feel even worse. But while finding a lasting love may not be easy, understanding the science of adult attachment could help you find the emotional intimacy you’re looking for.  If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to…

Ep 48 Five Behaviors of Confident People

In this episode we are going to continue our discussion from last week’s episode #47 and explore the top things confident and secure people do in their lives and relationships.  If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can email me at coaching@angieday.com or you can easily…

Ep 47 Five Behaviors of Insecure People

Most people think of insecurity as a personality trait something you’re born with that dooms you to a life of chronic anxiety and low self-esteem. And while it can certainly feel that way to people who have been insecure most of their lives, the real reason we feel chronically insecure is typically more subtle and…

Ep 46 The Auto Pilot Habit

Living on autopilot or going through the motions of daily life without actively engaging with our thoughts and emotions, can harm our well-being and relationships with others. There are several reasons why living on autopilot can create such an unsatisfying relationship experience, and in this episode, we discuss those reasons and what you can do…

EP 45 Silent Signals

Verbal and nonverbal communication are both important forms of communication that we use every day. They work together to convey meaning and create a complete picture of the message being conveyed. However, you must become more aware of the potential for sending the wrong signal and make sure that the message you want to convey…

EP 44 Discomfort Avoidance

Today I want to talk to you about this thing called Discomfort Avoidane and how it affects how you relationships are able to grow and evolve with the people you care about. Of all the skills I’ve learned in the last decade, there’s one that stands apart from the rest as the most valuable: learning…

Ep 43 Business Relationship Benefits

In this episode we discuss how you can create a positive and productive work environment that fosters growth and success. You can build strong relationships with team members, which can lead to deeper connections and a sense of community within the team. you can have a positive impact on the overall success of the team…

EP 42 Relationship Goals

In this episode we discuss the importance of Relationship Goals. It is important to prioritize your relationship and set goals because doing so can help to strengthen the bond between you and your partner and can lead to a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship. Setting goals gives you something to work towards and helps to…

EP 41 Three Keys To A Great Relationship- Key #3

(Part 2 of 3) As a Life & Relationship Coach, I hear a lot of complaints from my clients about their romantic relationship partners: And I totally get it. Relationships are hard. And romantic relationships are especially hard, in no small part because there’s so much at stake. Listen in on today’s episode as I…

EP 40 Three Keys To A Great Relationship- Key #2

(Part 2 of 3) As a Life & Relationship Coach, I hear a lot of complaints from my clients about their romantic relationship partners: And I totally get it. Relationships are hard. And romantic relationships are especially hard, in no small part because there’s so much at stake. Listen in on today’s episode as I…

EP 39 Three Keys To A Great Relationship- Key #1

(Part 1 of 3) As a Life & Relationship Coach, I hear a lot of complaints from my clients about their romantic relationship partners: And I totally get it. Relationships are hard. And romantic relationships are especially hard, in no small part because there’s so much at stake. Listen in on today’s episode as I…

EP 38 The Silent Relationship Killer

At some point in all relationships the desire end excitment starts to fade into the day-to-day of routine. But it doesn’t have to. Listen in to today’s episode for tips on how to avoid the silent relationship killer.  If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me…

EP 37 10 Things Confident Women Don’t Do In RelationshipsEP 37

Studies Show People With Low Self-Esteem Unintentionally Encourage People to Treat Them Poorly. When you feel bad about yourself, your attempts to gain support might backfire. Poor self-worth is what traps us in bad relationships, what sabotages new relationships, and what causes us to feel so devastated and broken when a relationship ends. Having high…

EP 36 3 Unconscious Beliefs Preventing LoveEP 36

In this episode we talk about 3 unconscious beliefs because they may be preventing you from true love and connection in your relationships or if you’re dating it could be preventing you at a chance to have a great relationship.  If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out…

EP 35 Going All-In in Your Relationships

When it comes to relationships you are definitely taking risks about meeting the right person, having compatibility, mutual attraction and all of those things you need to make a relationship work out for the long term. If you’re one of those people who has gone from one relationship to the next and are wondering why things…

EP 34 Relationship Respect

Tune-In to this episode as I talk about the importance of building up respect within your relationships with the people you care about. When you start a relationship with the foundation of love and respect you and your partner can create a relationship that builds you both up to be stronger, happier, and more fulfilled…

EP 33 Withholding Criticism

Healthy relationships depend on your ability to communicate your thoughts, desires, needs, and issues. The trick is withholding criticsm that sabotages relationships and discovering how to express yourself when you are experiencing a sea of emotions.  If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can…

EP 32 A Cure For Loneliness

I am honestly not aware of anyone who has not experienced loneliness at some point in their lives. Everyone experiences loneliness or isolation. For many, it is an ongoing struggle. If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can email me at coaching@angieday.com or you can easily…

EP 31 Detaching From The Outcome

In this episode I talk about how to detach from the outcome in your relationships so that you can experience more peace and joy in the present moment rather than worrying about the future. If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can email me…

EP 30 Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Do you want a great relationship? What are you doing about it? What actions are you taking to cultivate the relationship you want? Are you getting coaching and working on your relationship skills? Or are you sitting around complaining about the state of your relationship to your friends, watching Netflix, eating too much, or working…

EP 29 Committed To Belief

In this episode we to talk about what it means to be committed to your belief in your relationships. This is something I struggled with myself for many years. Until I realized that my belief level,  that is what I believe about myself, the other person,  and in the purpose and intent of our relationship, is…

EP 28 Breaking Your Relationship Type

If you are looking for a long-lasting partnership, it’s crucial to look past your familiar type and to look at the values that make up the other persons character- that spark you feel in familiarity no matter how powerful it comes and goes. But character values and true compatibility will be the glue that will…

EP 27 Quick-Take on Lack Of Time

My Quick-Take on behaviors that destroy connection and sabotage relationships.  If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can email me at coaching@angieday.com or you can easily and very quickly drop me a Voicemail here: https://www.speakpipe.com/TheLoveConnectionPodcast…

EP 26 Jealousy In Relationships

Jealousy can be a natural human reaction, and it doesn’t automatically mean that something is wrong emotionally in your relationship. Whether it’s the envy of a friend’s new exciting relationship of that tinge of discomfort that comes from watching another girl flirt with your partner, these reactions can be a normal part of life, and…

EP 25 Relationships and Self-Care

So much has been said in media today about the topic of self-care and the reason is that it is one thing that can reliably help us to manage day to day stresses and give us a much-needed sense of control over our own lives. Whether its taking an evening to do nothing but read…

EP 24 Your Self Concept

I discovered years ago as I set out to reinvent myself. And after having gone through a difficult time in my life and following an awful divorce. Often, we limit ourselves by the way we see ourselves this is called our self-concept. We limit our life’s potential, we limit our happiness, our joy and our…

EP 23 The People Pleasing Habit

Do you find it difficult to say “no” to others? Do you Have trouble speaking up about what you want? Do you Avoid sharing contrary opinions? If you answered yes to all three questions its possible you are engaging in “people pleasing.” People pleasing in relationships may seem at first glance like a positive thing. After all, an…

Ep 22 Broken Trust

Trust is an important pillar in relationships, and the lack of it can lead to negativity, conflict, insecurity, depression, and anxiety. If your relationship is lacking trust, it’s important to work with your partner to build it, so that you can let your guard down and be vulnerable with each other so you can deepen your…

EP 20 Relationship Values

Do you find it difficult to say “no” to others? Do you Have trouble speaking up about what you want? Do you Avoid sharing contrary opinions? If you answered yes to all three questions its possible you are engaging in “people pleasing.” People pleasing in relationships may seem at first glance like a positive thing. After all, an…

Ep 19 Quick Take on Bottling Up Emotions

My Quick-Take on behaviors that destroy relationship connection: Bottling Up Emotions If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can email me at coaching@angieday.com or you can easily and very quickly drop me a Voicemail here: https://www.speakpipe.com/TheLoveConnectionPodcast…

Ep 18 Entrepreneurial Loneliness

In this episode we talk about a topic that’s not often discussed by busy professionals or entrepreneurs. It’s not even something we fully prepare for when we choose to set out on our own to start a business. Today’s topic is about the Loneliness that comes from the entrepreneurial journey. Many of us suffer in…

Ep 17 Quick-Take On Feeling Insecure

My Quick-Take on behaviors that destroy relationship connection: Feeling Insecure If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can email me at coaching@angieday.com or you can easily and very quickly drop me a Voicemail here: https://www.speakpipe.com/TheLoveConnectionPodcast…

Ep 16 Goal Overwhelm

We’re going to discuss what Goal Overwhelm is, why it happens, and the effects it has on your personal relationships. And of course, we’ll also talk about what you can do about it, so you can not only build your business but build great relationships too. If you’d like help with this or any other…

Ep 15 Toxic Complaining

In this episode we discuss a really bad habit that we women have when we get together with our gal pals. We start complaining about our partners. While it might feel good for a moment to get all that complaining off your chest, and it definitely feels great when your friends agree with you, the…

Ep 14 Quick-Take On Bashing “The Ex”

My Quick-Take on behaviors that destroy relationship connection: Feeling Insecure If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can email me at coaching@angieday.com or you can easily and very quickly drop me a Voicemail here: https://www.speakpipe.com/TheLoveConnectionPodcast…

Ep 13 The Script

I am super excited about this topic today because I work with mostly female entrepreneurs and professional women who are super driven, highly goal-oriented, type A personalities who’ve had to become pretty good at managing other people especially when it comes to their businesses. But unfortunately, these type A personality traits don’t always work in…

Ep12 Quick-Take On White Lies

My quick take on behaviors that destroy relationship connection #1 White Lies  If you’d like help with this or any other topic feel free to reach out to me- you can email me at coaching@angieday.com or you can easily and very quickly drop me a Voicemail here: https://www.speakpipe.com/TheLoveConnectionPodcast…

Ep 11 Bridge Thoughts

Today, we will talk about learning how to challenge and change your thinking when it comes to your most important and, for some of you, your most challenging relationships. I’m going to explain how a little thing called cognitive dissonance plays a crucial factor in creating lots of mind drama and problems for you when…

Ep 10 Doubt & Fear

Just about every day in my work as a Relationship Coach I meet with people struggling to make their relationships work. It seems the stories are all very similar. Everything starts off fine, and after a short time everything goes to hell! These same people find themselves in a state of confusion- hopelessness, despair, and…

EP 9 Giving Interest

When we approach our relationships we should be thinking about what we can give rather than what we can get from it. One of the best things you can give to another person is your interest. Interest is different from attention or focus and in today’s episode we discuss exactly what it is and how…

EP 8 The Cycle

The Think-Feel-Act Cycle or as I like to call it, “The Cycle” is at the core of everything I teach in my Love Connection Program.  And I credit this concept to completely transforming my adult life. That’s how deeply I feel about it. This is definitely one topic that I believe should be a prerequisite…

EP 7 The Upper Limit Problem

On the surface, most people believe they deserve happiness, but we tend to hold a lot of subconscious beliefs that reject this very idea. There are many reasons someone might not believe they deserve happiness especially in their relationships. They can stem from past feelings of guilt, low self-worth and even not wanting to feel…

EP 6 Relationship Intention

Today we discuss what it means to be intentional in your relationships. Because building a deep meaningful connection with someone is an intentional act not something that magically happens. Creating a true connection is something that we choose to do on purpose and it’s a deliberate act…

Ep 5 How Connection Is Strengthened

I’m so excited about today’s podcast because I feel like everything we’ve been discussing on the first few podcasts has been the deep conceptual, groundwork that needed to be covered for us to focus on the lighter, more fun feeling relationship stuff. Like what I’ll be sharing and teaching in today’s episode and in moving…

Ep 4 How Connection Grows

In this episode we are going to talk about how a relationship connection grows. This is important because not only does having a  strong connection with someone give you such a  feeling of joy and peace but its important because on the opposite side of that coin- having a weaker or what I call a…

Ep 3 How Connection is Built

In this episode I talk about how relationship Connection is built. Because the truth is every one of our relationships depend upon this very important thing.  And not many people really truly understand connection. They don’t really understand how its formed, how its maintained, or worse how connection is broken.  …

Ep 2 The Negativity Affect

Tune in today to hear how the Negativity Affect slowly erodes your relationships. Like many things in life, negativity too, unfortunately when you think a lot of negative thoughts about the person, you’re in a relationship with- it can become a habit. Repeated criticism, cynical thoughts, and denial in your relationships can create neural pathways…

Ep 1 Intro- Relationship Struggles

Welcome to The Love Connection podcast! Where it’s all about learning to use the power of Connection in your relationships to create more peace, happiness, and prosperity than you ever thought possible!  Click the link below to download your copy of  The Connection Code: The Connection Code  …

Ep 70 We’ve Moved!

I’m excited to announce that we have wrapped up our time with Unleash Your Inner Winner Podcast and we have moved to a new Podcast format called The Love Connection Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to helping busy professional women use the Power of Connection to create and maintain happy, healthy relationships, so they can…

Ep 69 Raising Standards

Personal standards not only directly affect the level of peace and happiness you have within your life, but they also directly affect the results you get in your professional life. Not having or setting low standards leads to below average results for most people. It comes through in everything they do. By raising your personal…

Ep 68 Confidence Creates More Commitment

So many women entrepreneurs come to me struggling with their confidence. Business is tough enough and the last thing you need to be doing is struggling with confidence every day. In this episode we continue a series of learning how to use commitment, courage, and capability to ultimately grow your confidence. …

Ep 67 Competence and Confidence

So many women entrepreneurs come to me struggling with their confidence. Business is tough enough and the last thing you need to be doing is struggling with confidence every day. In this episode we continue a series of learning how to use commitment, courage, and capability to ultimately grow your confidence. …

Ep 66 Courage and Confidence

So many women entrepreneurs come to me struggling with their confidence. Business is tough enough and the last thing you need to be doing is struggling with confidence every day. In this episode we continue a series of learning how to use commitment, courage, and capability to ultimately grow your confidence. …

Ep 65 Commitment and Confidence

So many women entrepreneurs come to me struggling with their confidence and this has got to stop. Business is tough enough and the last thing you need to be doing is struggling with confidence every day. In this episode we begin a series of understanding how to use commitment, courage, and capability to ultimately grow…

EP 64 Fear of Missing Out

In this episode I want to talk with you about this thing called FOMO, or “fear of missing out,” its a real phenomenon that is becoming increasingly common and can cause significant stress in your life and your business. …

Ep 63 Busy Avoidance

In this episode we talk about something I call Busy Avoidance. This is when you are being busy just in an attempt to avoid doing other more important or productive things that you know you should be doing to move your business forward.  I’m also going to share with you a few ways that all…

62 Thought Spiraling

I know that I’m not the only one in business who has ever suffered from self- doubt, spiraling thoughts, or overwhelm. As a coach who has studied CBT for many years, I just knew there had to be a way to stop the spiraling and get my thoughts under control. Today I want to share…

61 Shame, Guilt & Goals

Today we’re going have a quick chat about goals- you know how I love to talk about goals. I think I like to talk about it so much because it’s so much fun to think big and to believe for more. But today I also want to talk to you about two main culprits to…

60 Committed To Belief

Today I’d like to talk to you about committing to belief. This is something I struggled with for many years. That is until I realized what the problem was and how to solve it. The problem for me was that when I set a goal or decided that I wanted to achieve something really big…

59 Improving Your Self-Concept

One of the most important things you can do as an Entrepreneur to help you boost your business and your earnings is to work on developing a positive self -concept. Often we limit ourselves, our earnings, our business development, and our overall success potential, just by what we think we are capable of and by…

58 The Law Of Reciprocity

Have you ever felt the need to help someone who has helped you in the past? This is known as the law of reciprocity. It is one of the many different marketing and sales techniques that you can use to gain new customers and clients…

57 Time Thieves

It’s incredible how much of our time is spent doing things that aren’t really productive. Now we may “believe” we’re spending our time on the things that matter but the truth is lots of time is wasted. At the end of the day there seems to be no time for ourselves let alone for building…

56 A Failure Plan

Failure is one reason why most people don’t attempt to become Entrepreneurs or the reason why they quit prematurely. But what I want to offer you is that the place of discomfort is exactly the point where you will experience a breakthrough. It means that you’ve taken a step in creating something that will evolve…

55 Listener Q & A- The Confusion Trap

 Whether it’s being stuck in your business or in your personal life it’s never a fun experience. And it’s worse when you start comparing yourself to all of the other entrepreneurs around you who seem to “have it all together.” Its natural for you to feel like everyone is moving forward while you remain stuck…

53 Leading With Authenticity

In this episode we discuss leading with authenticity. How being inauthentic is exhausting whereas, when you allow yourself to be truly authentic you can commit yourself to excellence in everything you do. When you’re authentic you’ll have more energy and ability access to your own creativity to constantly be pushing the envelope and raising your…

Ep. 52 Setting Intentions

Well, it’s that time of the year where everything is about setting new goals such as setting career goals, life goals, and of course business goals too. There was a time, not so long ago, where I lived by goal setting and I have focused a lot of energy on teaching others to do the…

Ep. 51 Creating Momentum

In this episode we talk about creating positive psychological momentum in your life and in your business. Because many entrepreneurs are feeling burnt out, stuck in a rut, depressed or lacking in the energy and drive that they may have started out with in January of 2020. We’ve been through a rough 2020 and we…

Ep. 50 Self- Indulgent Emotions

In this episode we talk about self-indulgent emotions. The kind that feel comfortable to us or the kind of emotions that we spend more time in than we would like to, but they don’t give us the results that we want In our lives or in our business. Find out why we so often sabotage…

Ep. 49 Instant Gratification

Today we talk about something that seems harmless enough but in fact it often delays your progress toward achieving personal and professional success. Our desire to want things now referred to as instant gratification, is a powerful force. Waiting is hard, and we all have an innate desire to have what we want when we…

Ep. 48 People Rating

Self-rating is an automatic habit for most of us. We also live in a world where people-rating is the norm, so others are unlikely to help us change. But it’s not impossible. Here are some strategies which will help you be more aware when you are rating yourself or others so you can stop limiting…

Ep. 47 The Difference Between Feelings & Emotions

Today I have a quick podcast for you on the difference between feelings and emotions.  The reason knowing the difference between the two is so important is that it will help you identify and change the corresponding negative behaviors associated with the feeling or emotion more easily which will of course be life changing!…

Ep. 46 Barrier Thoughts

When you set a goal your brain will come up thoughts and with all the reasons why you can’s achieve your goal. I call these barrier thoughts. It will provide you with a detailed list of thoughts that act as barriers to achieving your goal. But once your recognize these barrier thoughts you can turn…

Ep 45. Approval Seeking

In Today’s episode we talk to you about a self-defeating addictive behaviour that too many young entrepreneurs find themselves wrapped up in when trying to market their online businesses.   It’s a really sneaky trap- that usually starts out as a logical tactic to gain business attention from prospective clients and to get some traction…

Ep. 44 Self-Sabotaging Habit

In today’s episode we’re going to unravel a topic that I find so fascinating as it relates to the human mind and how it affects our journey to achievement of any dream or goal. Whether it’s in your life, in your relationships or working on your business the intent is NEVER to undermine yourself or your…

Ep. 43 Intentional & Unintentional Thinking

You are either intentionally creating your reality in your life and your business or you are unintentionally creating your reality. That means everything you care about, your relationships, your love life, your friendships, your business, your financial life, parenting – absolutely everything you care about you are unintentionally creating results every day…

Ep. 42 The Law Of Diminishing Intent

It doesn’t matter who you are, there are things you want in life that require you to take action. If you don’t take action, then its likely the law of diminishing intent will take affect. And over time, your intention and motivation for taking action will diminish…

Ep. 41 Listener Q & A- Compare & Despair

Today I have a special episode for you- I’m going to share with you a Listener question received through my Ask Angie Anything portal. I’m calling this episode- Compare and Despair as I offer advice to a listener who finds herself feeling defeated and stuck in the gap between where she is and where she…

Ep. 40 Desire Vs Belief

Is it possible that what we truly desire and what we are pursuing with all our energy and all our passion in building a successful life and business, is it possible that our “desire” is running smack dab into the wall of the opposing force of our own beliefs? Could it be this unseen battle…

Ep. 39 Confirmation Bias

In this episode, we explore how confirmation bias drives us to always prove our beliefs and how that process causes different people to see a different set of realities based on the same set of facts. Tune in to find out what you need to do in order to overcome confirmation bias in the way that…

Ep. 38 Learning Vs Earning

Success is not learned it’s earned.  A lot of people need to know exactly how to do something before they do it, so they don’t fail and feel bad.  They try to learn how to do something so they can avoid feeling negative emotions which keeps people stuck in over analyzing and in being perfect…

Ep. 37 Vulnerability Aversion

Most people that I’ve worked with have an aversion to being seen on social media they feel exposed, like their lives are on display . They feel very vulnerable.  Social media can be a very scary place and networking or marketing and the idea of selling on- line can be very intimidating and in order…

Ep. 36 Wired For Change

Neural pathways are the biological result of your habitual thinking, feeling and acting. The problem occurs when you find yourself having been engaged in negative patterns of thinking, feeling and or acting. This negativity forms pathways that you may be self-sabotaging your efforts toward success. The good news is that you can begin training your…

Ep. 35 Comfort Addiction

In this episode I ask you to consider the topic of Comfort Addiction- What it is? Why it may be sabotaging your success? And if you are willing to step outside of it? Because for us to grow into the next level version of ourselves we are going to need to be willing to be…

Ep. 34 Power In Positivity

In today’s episode I’m going to discuss with you the Power in Positivity. Research is beginning to reveal that positive thinking is about much more than just being happy or displaying an upbeat attitude. Positive thoughts can create real value in your life and help you build skills that go a lot further than a…

Ep. 33 Permission To Sell

Today’s topic is called Permission to Sell.  In this episode I’m going to explain what it is, why it’s important. Then I’m going to share with you how you can get it so that you can increase your close and conversion rates. Permission based selling is a simple selling technique which hinges on salespeople reaching…

Ep. 32 Inevitability Thinking

You’ve probably heard some variation of the catch phrase “see it, believe it, achieve it” and then rolled your eyes without giving it another thought. Many people will say these are merely words, and cannot help you, I wouldn’t disagree with them.See, believe, and achieve are only words, but when you take time to think…

Ep. 31 Decision Vs Indecision

When you make a conscious decision rather than reacting to whatever is happening based on your pre-programming – you place yourself in control and you are literally choosing what you want to happen in your life rather than just letting your life happen to you…

Ep. 30 Selling- Doubters Never Win!

Life is not easy and neither is entrepreneurship. That’s why building belief in yourself and in your products and services is imperative. After all, if you don’t believe 125% in what you sell and how your customers will benefit, then there is no way you will be able to convey to your customer why they…

Ep. 29 Possibility Vs Probability

Today I want to talk to you about Possibility Vs Probability and how you can use them both to create your Reality I began thinking about this topic recently as I was thinking about HOW people achieve goals. Believe me I spend a lot of time thinking about this and how to serve my clients…

Ep. 28 Learning To Do Hard Things

Learning to do hard things is a skill that you can develop just like eating your vegetables when you were younger. You can actually learn to do hard things in your business and reduce procrastination. And you may even end up enjoying the feeling you get from the great accomplishment of doing that thing you…

Ep. 27 People Pleasing Trap

People pleasing is a common reality, especially among women business owners and it’s a trap. When the desire to please others dominates your business, it’s not pretty. It pulls you off course, causes unnecessary distractions and interruptions, and leads to the neglect of critical business development activities. There’s a huge price to pay when business…

Ep. 26 Your Future Self

According to researchers, people are terrible at predicting who they’ll  be in the future. The reason is simple: it’s because its far easier to remember the past than to imagine yourself in the future. In today’s episode we discuss practical ways you can  start envisioning your future self so you can create the success you…

Ep. 25 The Art Of Detachment

In this episode Angie shares with you a little technique called The Art of Detachment to help you navigate the stormy seas of life and business…

Ep. 24 Being Decisive

One of the main qualities of being a great leader is the ability to make decisions. And the ability to be decisive is a core development area for many emerging leaders, especially women. Learning to make good decisions is and art and a skill that can be practiced and mastered over time. …

Ep. 23 Act As If

We think we are somehow “in control” of our lives.  We act as if we are guaranteed tomorrow, as if our health will maintain, as if our employers will retain us, as if our investments will be safe. When the truth is we have no control over any of life’s circumstances. However, through these uncertain…

EP. 22 Leveraging Discomfort

We didn’t choose what we are going through now with the global pandemic. None of us did, and rarely if ever do we choose for bad things to happen to us and the ones we love. However, bad stuff does happen- and the fact is – When something bad happens you have three choices: You…

EP. 21 Avoiding Emotional Overwhelm

The process of staying productive in times of any crisis whether it is personal crisis or global crisis is no easy task.  – People today are faced with more challenges than ever before- We have the obvious global concerns – and most are living already pretty stress filled lives. All of this can cause emotional…

Ep. 20 Building Self- Credibility

Many of us find ourselves with a lot  more time on our hands now, as many people are no longer commuting to appointments or for their day jobs and a lot more people are working from home – The result is we have more time but we’ find ourselves confused as to what to do…

Ep. 19 Intolerance of Uncertainty

During uncertain times and when impending changes that threaten our very lifestyle, I’m getting lots of questions about how to control the overwhelming anxiety that so many are feeling right now.Having the knowledge and understanding about why feel the way we feel and understanding the brain and how it processes bad news and how it…

Ep. 18 Rational Vs Irrational Fear

Fear held me back from achieving my dreams in life and business for many years. Fortunately, I learned a way to use my fear as a compass. To do this we must first gain clarity about our fears and by then cultivating courage to overcome those fears.  I discovered that there are really only two…

Ep. 17 Belief Mapping Part-2

This is part two of a two-part series. As we continue to discuss an amazing tool and something I teach my clients. It has helped me get my head in the game and transformed my entire life- it’s called Belief Mapping.We discuss why Belief Mapping is so important and how you can use this process…

Ep. 16 Belief Mapping Part-1

This is part one of a two-part series. In these two episodes we discuss an amazing tool, something I teach my clients and has helped me get my head in the game and transformed my entire life- it’s called Belief Mapping.We discuss why Belief Mapping is so important and how you can use this process…

Ep. 15 Emotional Reasoning

In this episode we discuss ways to identify and win the battle over emotional reasoning and reacting. We discuss ways of learning to become more consciously aware of your emotions and the thoughts creating those emotions so you can learn better ways of navigating stress and conflict more effectively and create more positive results in your life…

Ep. 14 Cultivating Confidence

Cultivating Confidence begins with challenging the lies we tell ourselves. The myths we’ve believed for so many years. With knowing that our brain will push back and anxiety will raise up whenever we try something new. …

Ep. 13 Intermittent Distraction Fasting

In this episode, we discuss the process and the benefits of Intermittent Distraction Fasting. The result is more mental clarity and focused efforts, less confusion and overwhelm, and less procrastination, and that means you’ll be able to get more done in less time, which is essential to building and growing a successful business!…

Ep. 12 Cutting Back To Scale-Up

In this episode we talk about cutting back on 3 things that rob you of the energy needed to build and scale your business. Because creating the life and business of your dreams has more to do with what you remove from your life than what you add to it…

Ep. 11 People Pleasing Syndrome

Today we’re going to talk about a little condition called People Pleasing Syndrome. I explain what it is and how to tell if you have it. I share with you a little quiz -I found that will help you identify  whether or not you have the people pleasing syndrome and what you can do to cure…

Ep 10. Showing Up To Win

In today’s episode I teach you how to show up in your sales and consultations that will guarantee to win you more trust and favor so you can sign more clients and earn more business. …

Ep 9. Big Goal Overwhelm

In this episode I discuss Big Goal Overwhelm– what it is, why it happens, and how you can avoid it and achieve your goals without all the self-defeating overwhelm. I introduce you to the process of creating mini-wins to systematically move you closer to achieving a great big victory. Check out the final message for…

Ep 8. Thought Errors

In this episode we take a look at some common Thought Errors, also known as cognitive distortions, that can contribute to a cycle of negative emotions and unwanted behaviors. We discuss ways of questioning and re-framing those thoughts to help gain control of your life and situation and to help you avoid the negativity cycle…

Ep 7. Belief Auditing

In this episode we discuss the powerful skill of Belief Auditing and a simple tool I use to help my clients overcome their negative beliefs that may be keeping them from enjoying the life, love and business they desire…

Ep 6. Acceptance: The Key To Moving Forward

In this Episode we discuss the importance of practicing Acceptance to gain clarity so you can move forward in creating a life and business of your dreams…

Ep 5. Mind Sweeping

Today I share with you my simple technique to clearing your mind of all the mental chatter that causes confusion and overwhelm. Mind sweeping allows you to free up your mental bandwidth so you can increase your energy and mental focus and raise your productivity in your life and in your business. …

Ep 4. Present Loving- Forward Thinking

In this episode, I discuss why it’s important to cut back on energy- draining activities. And how to purposefully choose to do more things that create more joy, love, and passion in your daily life so that you can have more energy to create a life and business of your dreams. …

Ep 3. Step 3 Taking Action

Step three is all about the five positive action steps you can take to ensuring you achieve your goals and desires in life and business. The power of intention is fine, and positive thoughts are great, but these will not help you achieve success. You must be purposefully taking small incremental steps toward your goal…

Ep 2. Step 2 Choosing Your Beliefs

The second step to developing a winning mindset. This episode discusses the huge role that your thought process and deeply held negative beliefs have on you achieving your goals in your life and business. We discuss the four critical things you’ll need to focus on when considering this topic so that you can overcome those…

Ep 1. Step 1 Gaining Clarity

This week I am diving into the 3 steps to developing a winning mindset so you can overcome your negative self-sabotaging, self-limiting mind drama that is likely holding you back from achieving your goals and desires in life and in business. Step 1 is all about getting crystal clear on your goals so you can…

Introduction Podcast

Unleash Your Inner Winner Podcast is the only podcast dedicated to teaching Female Entrepreneurs how to leverage their unique personal power to break through the glass ceiling in their own minds so they can create a wonderfully successful life and business. Sales Expert, Life Coach, and Mindset Mentor Angie Day applies her hard-won wisdom and…

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